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To Narrate or Not to Narrate

Hi guys!

So I originally intended on using narration for my opening scene of the film, but I later realized how complicated it would be to integrate the audio. I already have the song playing at a low level, so I would have to raise the volume of the narration to a high level in order to maintain clarity.

Another issue with narration lies in my cheap computer microphone. The sound comes out muffled and unpleasant to listen to. The last thing I would want to do is deter my amazing camera shots with trashy audio.

And then the other side of my brain is questioning whether or not the point of my entire film can be communicated with just a few shots and music? Don't I need to make sense of all the information with voice overs?

The answer is no (as I would soon find out). My stepdad's nephew is a director and he told me that if the camera shots can't speak for themselves, then you need to fix your clips! I soon realized that my footage can portray the main idea without a voice explaining the entire situation.

Wish me luck,


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